
Controller for Resource Services

API Description
GET api/v1/resources/drug-class-overviews

Returns a list of drug class overviews

GET api/v1/resources/drug-class-overviews/{structureId}

Returns content for a specific drug class overview

GET api/v1/resources/lab-panels

Returns a list of all LabPanels

GET api/v1/resources/lab-panels/{panelId}

Returns a specific lab panel by id

GET api/v1/resources/lab-panels/{panelId}/{testId}

Returns a lab panel test by id

GET api/v1/resources/calculators/{calcid}.html?locale={locale}

Returns a calculator page specified by id and locale. The default locale is "en_US" for English.

GET api/v1/resources/calculators/{filename}

Returns static content to support calculators

GET api/v1/resources/calculators?cpnum={cpnum}&locale={locale}

Returns all calculators by CpNum and locale. The default locale is "en_US" for English.

GET api/v1/resources/med-guide?medGuideId={medGuideId}

Returns the Med Guide specified by MedGuideId.

GET api/v1/resources/paperless-info?token={token}

Returns the paperless portal info for a given token.


REST End points for classifications

API Description
GET api/v1/classifications?q={q}&cpnum={cpnum}&productId={productId}

Returns the full classification tree

GET api/v1/classifications/{treeId}/products

Returns a list of drugs related to the specified classification

GET api/v1/classifications/products?treeIds={treeIds}

Returns a list of products related to the specified classification(s)

GET api/v1/classifications/{treeId}/drugs

Returns a list of drugs related to the specified classification

GET api/v1/classifications/drugs?treeIds={treeIds}

Returns a list of drugs related to the specified classification(s)


REST End points for drug identification and information

API Description
GET api/v1/drugidentification?imprint1={imprint1}&imprint2={imprint2}&colorIds={colorIds}&shapeId={shapeId}&scoring={scoring}&dosage={dosage}&size={size}&page={page}

Performs a search for Drug Identifications. This method is meant for human/browser interactive testing. For application code, please use the POST method of the same end point

POST api/v1/drugidentification

Performs a search for Drug Identifications. This method is intended for progromatic use, but can be tested with development tools such as PostMan for Chrome

GET api/v1/drugidentification/imprints?q={q}

Searches drug imprints based on a partial string

GET api/v1/drugidentification/attributes

Returns the full collection of all drug attributes

GET api/v1/drugidentification/attributes/shapes

Returns a list of drug shapes

GET api/v1/drugidentification/attributes/colors

Returns a list of drug colors

GET api/v1/drugidentification/attributes/dosages

Returns a list of drug dosage forms

GET api/v1/drugidentification/attributes/scorings

Returns a list of drug scoring attributes


The API Controller for the Lists category

API Description
GET api/v1/lists/blackbox

Returns a list of BlackBox Monographs

GET api/v1/lists/not-splittable

Returns a list of drugs that should not be split

GET api/v1/lists/requires-dilution

Returns a list of drugss that require dilution

GET api/v1/lists/do-not-crush

Returns a list of drugs that should not be crushed

GET api/v1/lists/grapefruit-interactions

Returns a list of drugs that interact with grapefruit juice

GET api/v1/lists/ismp-acute-high-alert

Returns a list of drugs with ISMP Acute High Alert

GET api/v1/lists/ismp-ambulatory-high-alert

Returns a list of drugs with ISMP Ambulatory High Alert

GET api/v1/lists/beers

Returns a list of Beers categories and drugs

GET api/v1/lists/combo-chemo

Returns a list of chemotherapy drugs

GET api/v1/lists/medguides

Returns a list of MedGuides

GET api/v1/lists/confused-drug-names

Returns a list of Confused Drug Names

GET api/v1/lists/rems

Gets a list of REMS data

GET api/v1/lists/nti

Gets a list of products with a Narrow Therapeutic Index

GET api/v1/lists/content-updates?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Returns a list of select content update items published within the specified date range. If no date parameters are supplied, the last 6 weeks' worth of updates will be returned. Maximum supported timespan is 90 days

GET api/v1/lists/trending-topics

Returns a list of product resources and trending topics

GET api/v1/lists/languages

Returns a list of Languages

GET api/v1/lists/books

Returns a list of Books


Controller for Report Services

API Description
GET api/v1/reports/adverse-reaction/report?cpnums={cpnums}&sort={sort}

Gets data for an adverse reaction report

GET api/v1/reports/iv-commpatibility/report?aliasIds={aliasIds}

Returns an IVCompatibility report based on the product aliases passed in

GET api/v1/reports/iv-commpatibility/details/{type}?resultIds={resultIds}

Retrieves details regarding IV Compatibility

GET api/v1/reports/iv-commpatibility/aliases?q={q}&cpnum={cpnum}&ivProductId={ivProductId}

Gets a list of IV Compatibility Trissel aliases for use in the IVCompatibility report

GET api/v1/reports/product-comparison/search?name={name}&ndc={ndc}

Returns a list of products for the Product Comparison Report

GET api/v1/reports/product-comparison/report/{productId}?type={type}&attribute={attribute}&flavor={flavor}

Gathers data for the Product Comparison Report

GET api/v1/reports/clinical-comparison/terms?cpnums={cpnums}

Returns lists of terms matching the requested cpnums

POST api/v1/reports/clinical-comparison/report

Runs the Clinical Comparison reports


Provides REST endpoints for information about Drug Monographs

API Description
GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}?type={type}&productId={productId}

Rest end point for getting a monograph summary.

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/usdrugs

Searches for US Drug names for the current Monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/globaldrugs

Returns a list of drug names used outside the US, grouped by country.

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/confusednames

Gets a list of drug names sometimes confused for the current drug name

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/drugclass

Gets a list of drug class overviews

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/rems

Gets a list of REMS data for the specified monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/rems/{id}?manufacturerId={manufacturerId}&brandGenericStatus={brandGenericStatus}

Gets details for specified REMS content

GET api/v1/monographs/rems/{id}?manufacturerId={manufacturerId}&brandGenericStatus={brandGenericStatus}

Gets details for specified REMS content

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/rems/{productid}

Gets details for specified REMS content

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/medguides

Retrieves a list of Medguides for a specified monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/beers

Retrieves BEERS Criteria for a specified monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/indications?type={type}&ageband={ageband}

Retrieves Indications content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/combochemo/{structureId}

Retrieves details for a specific Combo/Chemo Regimen

GET api/v1/monographs/levelofevidence/{sectionId}/{ratingId}

Retrieves details for a specific Level of Evidence rating

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/contraindications?type={type}

Retrieves Contraindications content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/adversereactions?type={type}

Retrieves Adverse Reaction content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/pregnancy?type={type}

Retrieves Pregnancy/Breastfeeding Indications content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/pharmacokinetics?type={type}

Retrieves Pharmacokinetic content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/administration?type={type}

Retrieves Administration content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/ivcompatibility?ivProductId={ivProductId}&type={type}

Retrieves IV Compatibility content for the monograph

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/howsupplied?type={type}

Retrieves information regarding how the drug is supplied

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/howsupplied/{productId}

Retrieves details on how the drug is supplied

GET api/v1/monographs/howsupplied/{productId}

Retrieves details on how the drug is supplied

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/mechanismofaction?type={type}

Retrieves information on the mechanism of action

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/interactions?type={type}

Retrieves information om monograph Interactions

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/description?type={type}

Retrieves information om monograph Description

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/comments?type={type}

Retrieves information om monograph Comments

GET api/v1/monographs/{cpnum}/monitoringparameters?type={type}

Retrieves information om monograph Monitoring Parameters

GET api/v1/monographs/lastupdated?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Retrieves a list of monographs which had content updated within a date range. Maximum supported timespan is 7 days.

GET api/v1/monographs/retired?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Retrieves a list of monographs that have been retired within a date range.


Provides REST endpoints for Toxed Search

API Description
GET api/v1/toxed/search/autosuggest?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches Toxed's autosuggest list and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/toxed/search?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Performs a full text search for the supplied search term. The default page size is 10. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed


Maintenance and utility end-points

API Description
GET api/v1/system/health

Health check end-point to ensure all is up and running

GET api/v1/system/status

Health check end-point to ensure all is up and running

Provides REST endpoints for global search

API Description
GET api/v1/search?q={q}&size={size}

Searches all categories for the supplied search term and returns result summaries for each category. The default size of the result set is 10 per category. Categories containing no results will not be present in the result set at all. If there are no results in any of the categories, the service will return an Http status of NoContent.

POST api/v1/search/advanced

Advanced search to find monographs based on multiple criteria

GET api/v1/search/drugs?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches drugs and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/products?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches drug products and returns distinct product names for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/all-products?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches drug products and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/indications?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches indications and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/indications/{id}

Returns a list of monographs for the specified indication

GET api/v1/search/contraindications?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches contraindications and returns a full result for the supplied search term The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/contraindications/{id}

Returns a list of monographs for the specified contraindication

GET api/v1/search/adverse-reactions?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches adverse reactions and returns a full result for the supplied search term The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/adverse-reactions/{id}

Returns a list of monographs for the specified adverse reaction

GET api/v1/search/global-drug-names?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches global drug names and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/manufacturers?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches manufacturers and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/manufacturers/{id}

Returns manufacturer contact info and related products for a supplied company id.

GET api/v1/search/classifications?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches classifications and returns a full result for the supplied search term The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/discharge-instructions?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches discharge instructions and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/drug-class-overviews?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches drug class overviews and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/combo-chemo?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Searches combo\chemo and returns a full result for the supplied search term. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed

GET api/v1/search/ndc?q={q}

Searches for drugs based on the NDC 5, 9, or 11 digit code

GET api/v1/search/rxcui?q={q}

Searches for a monograph based on RxCui

GET api/v1/search/gpc?q={q}

Searches for GPCs matching search term

GET api/v1/search/monograph-names?q={q}&size={size}&page={page}

Returns a list of monograph names in alphabetical order. The default values for size and page are both 0, resulting in the complete list being returned. Should you decide to use the paging feature, pages are 0 indexed.


Controller for PatiendEd Services

API Description
GET api/v1/patiented/search?q={q}&cpnum={cpnum}

Searches for med counselor seets and discharge instruction sheets related to the product search text

GET api/v1/patiented/search/indications?q={q}

Searches for conditions and discharge instructions matching the search text

GET api/v1/patiented/search/dischargeinstructions?indicationId={indicationId}

Searches for discharge instructions related to a specific condition/indication

GET api/v1/patiented/medcounselor/{gpcId}?lang={lang}

Returns a med counselor sheet in the specified language.

GET api/v1/patiented/medcounselor/productphoto/{gpcId}

Returns a collection of photos for medcounselor app.

GET api/v1/patiented/dischargeinstructions/{id}

Returns a refrences to disharge instruction in all available languages

GET api/v1/patiented/confusednames/{gpcId}

Gets a list of drug names sometimes confused for the current drug name

GET api/v1/patiented/rems/{gpcid}

Gets a list of REMS data for the specified drug

GET api/v1/patiented/rems/{gpcid}/{id}?manufacturerId={manufacturerId}&brandGenericStatus={brandGenericStatus}

Gets details for specified REMS content

GET api/v1/patiented/medguides/{gpcid}

Retrieves a list of Medguides for a specified drug

GET api/v1/patiented/sheetstatements?drugId={drugId}&drugIdType={drugIdType}&languageId={languageId}&formatted={formatted}

Get the Patient Education sheet statments for a drug identifier


Provides REST endpoints for information about Drug Interactions

API Description
GET api/v1/interactions/drugs?q={q}&gpcid={gpcid}&cpnum={cpnum}

Returns a list of drugs matching the criteria, for use in interaction search. Parameters are exclusive, meaning you should only specify one.

POST api/v1/interactions/{type}

Searches and returns drug interaction information for supplies criteria This method is intended for programatic use, but can be tested with development tools such as PostMan for Chrome

GET api/v1/interactions/{type}?gpcids={gpcids}&lifestyleids={lifestyleids}&notesType={notesType}

Searches and returns drug interaction information for supplies criteria This method is meant for human/browser interactive testing. For application code, please use the POST method of the same end point

GET api/v1/interactions/under-development-cpnum?cpnums={cpnums}

Returns the interaction development status for the input monograph CpNum identifier(s).

GET api/v1/interactions/under-development-gpcid?gpcids={gpcids}

Returns the interaction development status for the input monograph gpcid identifier(s).

GET api/v1/interactions/lifestyles

Returns the complete list of lifestyles

GET api/v1/interactions/severities

Returns the complete list of severities

GET api/v1/interactions/severities/{type}

Returns the list of severities by type


Export methods

API Description
GET export/table?accessToken={accessToken}&name={name}&format={format}

Gets the export table in the specified format.

GET export/paperless-qr-code?accessToken={accessToken}

Returns current paperless QR code .png files in a .zip file for a given access token.